Destination Addiction

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✨Until you give up the idea that happiness is somewhere else, it will never be where you are.✨

This speaks to me.
I'm so guilty of destination addiction you guys.
Once I launch my program, once I debut on GMA, once I meet the man of my dreams, once I have all my ducks in a row - then I’ll be happy.

But I have to be honest with you...
Once I reach the destination that I think will bring me all the JOY in the world [blog launch, 50th podcast 🎧 episode milestone, etc] here I am already looking for the next destination [goal to achieve] to really appreciate the current success I've accomplished. It's like this endless cycle of striving for happiness, but never really letting myself attain it [sit back and enjoy it]. Somethings gotta change, right. 😉

Rather than believing I'LL FINALLY BE HAPPY WHEN XYZ...
I started creating a right here, right now list @shinetext and realized that I have everything I need to be happy RIGHT NOW.

What I ultimately needed was to develop a habit of showing gratitude 🙏 for all the incredible things happening in my life RIGHT NOW.

Here's a sneak peek into my RHRN list....

The things that are bringing me joy RHRN: Coffee, peaceful mornings, Closer [live] by Josie Buchanan on repeat.

The lessons I'm learning RHRN: I'm learning to let go and give up control of my life. To trust God fully and know that His timing is perfect.

What it is that I love about myself RHRN: I love 💕 how creative + unique I am in my field.

The strides I'm making RHRN to accomplish my goals: ✨Carving out specific time blocks in my schedule to dedicate to content creation for my program. ✨Consistently pitching hot off the press research to GMA producers. ✨Allowing myself to open up [more] + share [more] to let love in.

I've only done this RHRN exercise a few times to be honest but WOW - it's amazing the mental shift I have when I start to focus on all the beauty 😍 that's in my day to day life.

Sure, my future looks bright - but so can right here, right now. I just have to pause and reflect more often.

WellnessJessica Dogert